Momentum Complete

Bioactive Joint Supplement
Helps maintain healthy joints and cartilage

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How K93MC® Momentum Complete helps increase your Dog's mobility


Proven Growth Factors

Each bottle of K93MC® Momentum Complete contains 3 different growth factors (IGF-1, TGF-β1 and BMP-4). 

Each lot is tested for the presence of these growth factors to ensure they will increase your dog's mobility.


Building Blocks of Bone & Soft Tissues

These building blocks help regenerate connective tissues in your dog's joints.

K93MC® Momentum Complete not only contains these building blocks but our proprietary formula helps stimulate your K9’s ability to utilize these building blocks to increase mobility.


100% Natural

No preservatives

No flavoring

All ingredients are sourced from the US and New Zealand

Manufactured in the US


I have a 16 year old cockapoo that was starting to become less active. She was slow to get moving in the morning, was avoiding stairs, and not as interested in fetching games. I got a 2 month supply of (K93MC) Momentum Complete to start … The first thing I noticed was that she loves the capsules, they are a treat for her. I was very pleased with this because she is very particular about oral medications … Momentum Complete has made a difference, she is ready to move as soon as she wakes up, she climbs stairs again, and enjoys fetch games more. She is not back to her youth where she could actually jump up onto kitchen counters like a cat, but for her age, she is impressively active. I will continue with a maintenance dose of Momentum Complete.

Larry S. Ph.D., Troy, WI

Frodo is a 9-year-old, 42 pound Australian Shepard who lost his litter mate and brother, Bilbo, suddenly. He lost all desire to run, to go outside and began to show signs of physical decline. He had joint stiffness and some discomfort.  We began giving Frodo K93(MC) and within a week, he was running like a puppy. He would chase our new puppy around the yard and actually keep up with him.  Frodo began to jump up onto the bed without struggling and had increased energy. We have been giving him K93 for almost a year and he has renewed energy and quality of life.

A. Hymes, Camarillo, CA

K93MC Momentum Complete has changed the life of my dog Little Bear who is 17 years old. Before K93MC our dear Little Bear ... looked like a very old man with a slow and careful gait when he walked. After starting K93MC, which we gave him every day for a month, Little Bear has been running around like a much younger dog and his quality of life has improved.

J. Cevallos, M.D. - San Diego, CA

Bella is a rescue that we took in ~3 years ago. She is a 30 lb. pitbull mix that is somewhere around 13 years old. As she has grown older, there has been a noticeable increase in joint stiffness and discomfort... We gave her the first dose of K93 one evening, and the next day Bella was moving around with her tail up. The immediate change was astounding to see.

Bella has now been on a single dose of K93 per day for 2 months. We have noticed a significant improvement in her joint stiffness and level of comfort... 

K. Atkinson - Golden, CO

Buck was our Australian Shepherd and was 13 when I started using your supplement.  He could hardly get up or walk and we thought he was soon for the rainbow bridge.  After taking the supplement for a several weeks, he got markedly better and was able to walk and even play again.  I am quite sure this supplement gave him at least another year of happy life.  I wish we had started using it sooner.

J. McCray - Golden, CO


Little Bear

Little Bear who is 17 years old looked like a very old man with a slow and careful gait when he walked.

After starting K93MC, Little Bear has been running around like a much younger dog and his quality of life has improved.